he invented the number googol, which is a 1 followed by 100 sets of zeros
hope that was helpful!
what is the life and contribution of mathematics???
spherical and plane trigonometry? :p
he made the basics of algebra
Being one of the first to give a formula for solving quadratic equations is one contribution Sridhara Acharya made to mathematics. He also gave an exposition on zero, wrote practical applications of algebra separated algebra from arithmetic, and found the method of multiplying a fraction by the reciprocal of the divisor when dividing a fraction.
His major contributions are in geometry and in his book The Elements. He gave many rules of geometry which are also used nowadays. Books of Euclid provide a base of geometry. Euclid's ideas and theories are still considered as basics of mathematics. His most famous work was Metric. Another contribution of Euclid was that he gave the practical ideas in Mathematics.
what is the life and contribution of mathematics???
contribution of raj chandra bose in mathematics
brahmagupta's contribution to mathematics
It depends on who "he" is (or was).
he was a bad man & contribution was i dont know
how many contribution of aryabhatta in mathematics and anstronomy
Einstein did not make any notable contribution to mathematics.
Centuries ago, Islam created the mathematics of 'Trigonometry'.
The normal curve