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Leonardo Fibonacci was a catholic.

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Q: What was Leonardo Fibonacci's religion?
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When did The Fibonaccis end?

The Fibonaccis ended in 1988.

When was The Fibonaccis created?

The Fibonaccis was created in 1981.

What was Leonardo's religion?

He was a Catholic.

What was a historic event in Leonardo fibonaccis life?

The Mongols under Genghis Khan conquered most of China and middle Asia. Also, the Third Crusade was fought between the Kings of France and England and sultan Saladin.

What was Leonardo da Vinci's religion?

Leonardo da Vinci was a Roman Catholic.

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What are influences of Leonardo da Vinci in art?

Leonardo Da Vinci's influence was religion and his mentor Verrocchio.

Who was fibonaccis mother?

Fibonacci's mother was Alessandra Bonaci who sadly died when Leonardo Fibonacci was 9.

What was Fibonaccis' real name?

If you're talking about the medieval Italian mathematician who livedbetween roughly 1170 and 1250, it was Leonardo Pisano Bigollo.

What type of religion did Leonardo da Vinci have?

He was Roman Catholic

How does the artist Leonardo da Vinci play a role in religion?

He does not. Do not mistake novels for facts!

How Do You Find The Next Term For Fibonaccis Sequence?

add up the 2 previous ones.