benchmark numbers
Compatible Numbers numbers that are easy to compute mentally are called
o that's just means to do the math in your head instead of working it out on paper
you need too firstly divide the nun=numbers by each other and multiply by ten and you get your answer. I am a mathematician so this stuff is easy. glad i could help
Compatible numbers can easily be divided mentally.
benchmark numbers
The vocabulary word for being easy to divide mentally is "divisible." In mathematics, a number is considered divisible if it can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder. This concept is fundamental in arithmetic and plays a crucial role in various mathematical operations and problem-solving strategies.
The term that describes numbers that are easy to compute mentally is "round numbers." Round numbers are whole numbers that end in zero or five, making them simpler to work with in mental calculations. These numbers are often used in estimation and quick arithmetic tasks due to their ease of manipulation.
It depends on your computational skills.
arithmetic According to my son's homework, they are "compatible" numbers.
Compatible Numbers numbers that are easy to compute mentally are called
Numbers like 10, 25, 50, and 100 are easy to compute mentally because they have simple multiples or divisions that are easy to work with. For example, doubling 25 is 50, or dividing 100 by 10 gives you 10. These numbers are often used as benchmarks in mental math calculations.
o that's just means to do the math in your head instead of working it out on paper
The answer depends on your skills and your knowledge of relationships between numbers. 76/95 might look hard but it is not if you recall (from your 19 times table) that 76/95 = (19*4)/(19*5) = 4/5 = 0.8.