I believe a ten year old would be 41 years old.
A ten year old is ten years old.
sorry i am a ten year old gorl and that is a bit to skiny I'm ten and I'm 4'6. Though the average for ten year old girls is 80-90 pounds, I weigh 69 lbs. You my friend, tell yourself what you're supposed to weigh.
If exactly 109 years old that is 10 x 365 days per year = 3650 days; add 2 days for leap year makes 3652 days
Not all ten-year-old girls will like the same thing. Therefore, it's hard to give a general answer.
no! of course not a ten year old is way too immature for a 16 year old get real! 16 year olds these days want sex , as a ten year old they probably dont no what sex is and probably think its gross, a 16 year old would probably hav 2 be a pervert 2 go out with a 10 year old
I believe a ten year old would be 41 years old.
a ten year old boy
probably something like a guitar or a bike or a skateboard
What is a ten month year old infant? Do you mean a ten month old, or a year old infant? For a ten month old it would be between 20 and 22.5 pounds.
Prodigy will date a ten year old and maybe kiss her!!
of course if you dont tell yr parents
Unlikely. There is little reason for a ten year old to carry a lighter.
yes that's if they really want to.
Ten years old.
10 yr old im ten