1706, it is also that same year that the letter "pi" (from the Greek alphabet) was first used in publication.
One Light Year is equal to 9454254955488 Kms
9.46*1012 km or 9.46e12 km or in other words, 1 light-year.
it's the same formula that the one used to transform kilograms in kilometers
in what year was the first home refigerator used?
1 light year is approximately equal to 9.461 trillion kilometers. This distance is commonly used to measure extremely long distances in space due to the vastness of the universe.
It was first used in 1981.
by whom was hindi first used
It was in the year of 1790.
1,000,000 kilometers
1996 Was the first model year.
We do not know when it was first used in the Church. The first documented use was in the year 106 AD.
Kilometers are used to measure certain things
digital computers were first used in 1942 analog computers were first used in about 100BC
9.39154176 to the 13th power Kilometers per light year.
The first airplane was used for travel in the year 1921