In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
Where you were born is irrelevant. In 2017 (now) you would be 64 years old if you have had your birthday this year, otherwise you are 63.
You would be one thousand, nine hundred and Sixty Four years old if you were born in the year 45 a.d. You would be 64 if born in 1945.
If you were born in 1898 and died in 1963, you would have lived for 65 years. To calculate your age at the time of your death, you would subtract your birth year from your death year: 1963 - 1898 = 65.
He was born about the year 540 and died on March 12, 604, at the age of 64.
A person born in 1949 will turn 64 in 2013.
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
In 2014, you are 64 if you were born in 1949 or 1950. (If your 64th birthday falls in 2014, you were born in 1950.)
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
They will turn 64 in 2013.
year 1940
You would have been born in 1962... same as me !
64 years (as of December 2013), he was born on February 20, 1949
1948 years old!
Where you were born is irrelevant. In 2017 (now) you would be 64 years old if you have had your birthday this year, otherwise you are 63.