Well, if you were born in 1960, you would typically finish high school around 1978. Each year, students usually graduate high school around the age of 17 or 18, depending on when their birthday falls in the school year. So, if you were born in 1960, 1978 would likely be the year you finish high school.
Assuming a typical educational trajectory in the United States, a person born in 1960 would finish high school in 1978. This calculation is based on the assumption that a student starts kindergarten around the age of 5 and progresses through 12 grades before graduating from high school. Therefore, counting forward from the birth year of 1960, 18 years would bring us to 1978 as the year of high school graduation.
Most likely 1978, but depending on when your school's cutoff dates are and when in the year you were born it could potentially be a year on either side of that, or more if you either skipped a grade or two or had to repeat a grade or two.
depending on what month thatyou are born you would be either 49 or 50
If you were born in early to mid '10, you would graduate in '28. However, if you were born in mid to late '10, you would graduate in '29.
Assuming the current year of 2010, if you have already celebrated your birthday this year, you would have been born in 1960. If you have not yet celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 1959.
It depends on which country you studied in!
he didnt finish but he wo to senior high school
It depends on what region of the US you live in. Some districts have different birthdate deadlines. Where my husband went to school a person born in 78' would graduate in 96', but where I attended school the graduation year would be 97'.
49 It would depend when their birthday was.
2010 - 1960 = ...
You would have been born in 1960
1960 !
She went to high school in 1970 - 1972, which may be a clue.
Most likely 1978, but depending on when your school's cutoff dates are and when in the year you were born it could potentially be a year on either side of that, or more if you either skipped a grade or two or had to repeat a grade or two.
You would be 53 yrs old
for this year it would be 1960
They would be born in 1960.