52 years old
She was born in 1960
They were born in 1960.
If you are currently 63 years old, you can determine the year you were born by subtracting your age from the current year. Given that the current year is 2023, subtracting 63 from 2023 would indicate that you were born in 1960.
if you were born in 1991 who old wil you be?
As of January 2012, someone born on July 15, 1960 will be 51 years old.
49 It would depend when their birthday was.
52 years old
49 years old.
He was born in 1960
You would be 53 yrs old
She was born in 1960.
Financial consultant David Ramsey III is 56 years old (born September 3, 1960).
51 years old in 2011
You are now 52 years old turning
Born January 25, 1960. 54 years old