A lot of numbers divided by seven get a remainder of four. Well, eleven, eighteen, twenty-five, and thirty-two are some. This is a very broad question that can be answered many ways. The way to get the remainder of four is to find a multiple of seven and add four then you divide and the remainder is four.
Before you can add fractions, you first need to convert the fractions so they have common denominators. Two thirds is equal to four sixths, so now we can add the fractions that have common denominators. Four sixths and five sixths equals eleven sixths, or one and five sixths left over. Now, add your whole numbers...one, four and the one gained when we converted the fraction equals six and five sixths.
-4 This question is asking you to subtract 11 from positive 7. Thus, 7-11 = -4. -4 is 11 less than positive seven. If you add 11 to -4, it gives you seven, which is an easy check.
To write seven and five tenths in standard form, you would simply add the whole number part (7) to the decimal part (0.5). This would give you 7.5 in standard form.
Throw away two sticks
Eleven become so angry with seven because eleven is an odd number but when seven wants to make out with him and add into him eleven becomes eighteen that is an even number and he gets angry over that.
One times eleven is eleven; write down one and carry one. Seven times eleven is seventyseven; add the carried one equals seventy eight. Write seventyeight in front of the one you first wrote down. Answer is seven hundred and eighty seven 781.
7 First you add seven + six and it = thriteen. After that you add six + five = eleven. + then add 2+3=5 add 13+5=18. Then add 18+13=31+11=42 6 _ 13 42 IS YOUR ANSWER!!
5500 + 700=6200
A lot of numbers divided by seven get a remainder of four. Well, eleven, eighteen, twenty-five, and thirty-two are some. This is a very broad question that can be answered many ways. The way to get the remainder of four is to find a multiple of seven and add four then you divide and the remainder is four.
12+15=2712+1527 == This is a easy one. If you add five and two you will get seven. If you add one and one you will get two. So the answer is twenty seven.;)
Eleven tenths = 1.1 Therefore 1.7 + 1.1 = 2.8
That is silly question, for 12 inches are necessary to make a foot. It is 7/12 Or seven over twelve. If you add five to that seven then you will get a foot.
Before you can add fractions, you first need to convert the fractions so they have common denominators. Two thirds is equal to four sixths, so now we can add the fractions that have common denominators. Four sixths and five sixths equals eleven sixths, or one and five sixths left over. Now, add your whole numbers...one, four and the one gained when we converted the fraction equals six and five sixths.
at 5ft she should weigh 105 pounds add 5 pounds for every inch