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Alan Turing didn't invent Enigma you complete inbacile. He cracked the code that the Germans were sending with the Enigma machine once. And it wasn't just his it was a whole team of people.

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Q: When did Alan turing invented enigma machine?
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In what year was the Turing machine invented?

The Turing machine was invented in 1936 by British mathematician Alan Turing.

Who invented the world war 2 code breaking machine enigma?

The Enigma was a German code generating machine.

Who was the first to crack a message off the enigma machine?

The team of cryptologists at Bletchley Park, led by Alan Turing.

What did Alan Turing do during the war?

By breaking the Enigma Code.

Why is Alan turing considered as the father of modern computer?

Alan Turing is considered to be the father of computers because he invented the Turing machine. The Turing machine is thought to be the first model of a computer.

What was the impact of Alan Turing's enigma machine?

Turing did not work on the Enigma, it was a German machine. However he did do some work on the British Bombe machines that were used to crack the Enigma machine cipher. Later he saw Tommy Flowers' Colossus electronic computer, designed to crack the German Lorenz SZ40/42 machine cipher. This inspired him after the end of the war to begin work on programmable electronic computers.

What did Alan turing do to help with computers?

the turing machine

Who developed a computer to break codes during world war 2?

Alan Turing. He broke the German enigma code machine around 1941.

What was the name of Alan turing's machine?

The machine developed by Alan Turing was called the Turing Machine. It was a theoretical computing device that laid the groundwork for modern computers and the concept of algorithmic computation.

Is Alan Turing invented first modern computer?

Alan Turing invented the idea of the modern computer in 1936. This device became known as a 'Turing Machine.' It was a hypothetical device that could help scientists comprehend the limitations of a computer's ability to perform calculations.

Who designed the bombe machine?

alan turing

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Alan Turing