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That sounds like the description of a Turing machine, which was a theoretical machine described by Alan Turing.

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Q: Who proved that a machine capable of processing a stream 1's and 0s was capable of solving any problem?
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Who proved that a machine was capable of processing a stream of 1s and 0s was capable of solving any problem?

Alan Turing devised the Turing Machine which can be described as a robot which can look at one cell on an infinitely long tape of cells and then, based on what is in that cell and a given program either change the symbol in the cell and/or move the robot to look at the cell to the left/right of the current cell. Alan Turing then went on to prove that it was possible to write a program for this machine that could do the same as the program written for any other computing machine (it might take a very, very, very long time to do it but it would do it). However, some programs are impossible to write; for example it is impossible to write a program which will tell you if a program given to it as input will terminate or not (which Alan Turing proved); this is known as the halting problem.

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