That sounds like the description of a Turing machine, which was a theoretical machine described by Alan Turing.
In job performance what will be the answer for problem solving skills?
Identify and understand the problem
Practice - and problem solving ! If you explain clearly how the problem should be solved - and give them enough examples - they should absorb the teachings, and apply them to a new problem !
well if you are curious whilst doing a problem it makes you sdtick t it longer as you want to know the answer. so the longer you stick at a problem the more chance you have of solving it. that's how curiosity helps when solving a problem.
There are none.
There is no such thing as a machine "capable of solving any problem".
alan turning
who nose unless u were born in them times
Parallel processing
Distributed processing
The first step in military problem solving is to successfully identify the problem. This step is also applicable to situations outside of the military.
problem solving process
Alan Turing devised the Turing Machine which can be described as a robot which can look at one cell on an infinitely long tape of cells and then, based on what is in that cell and a given program either change the symbol in the cell and/or move the robot to look at the cell to the left/right of the current cell. Alan Turing then went on to prove that it was possible to write a program for this machine that could do the same as the program written for any other computing machine (it might take a very, very, very long time to do it but it would do it). However, some programs are impossible to write; for example it is impossible to write a program which will tell you if a program given to it as input will terminate or not (which Alan Turing proved); this is known as the halting problem.
S. Ian Robertson has written: 'Types of thinking' -- subject(s): Cognition, Thought and thinking, Human information processing 'Problem solving' -- subject(s): Problem solving