they are all the same tools like measuring tape ruler and a yardstick and they are both different beacuse they have the same units like miles yards feet and inches.
It is 2.25 inches - whether on a ruler or on a measuring tape or whatever.
A bar scale is like a ruler or measuring tape. It can measure long distances.
A foot is a foot, whether on a ruler or a tape measure, an odometer or laser range-finder or any other modern measuring instrument.
Honey, measuring the width of a triangle is as easy as measuring the distance between two of its sides. Just whip out your ruler or measuring tape, line it up perpendicular to the base, and boom, you've got your width. No need for fancy math or geometry tricks here, just good old-fashioned measuring.
A piece of string and a ruler or tape measure.
why might you need to measure a perimeter with a measuring tape insteadof a ruler.
Because of the sides.It won't be right then.
measuring scale, tape, or ruler is used.
measuring cup
A ruler or measuring tape
A ruler or measuring tape
INSTRUMENTS USED IN MEASURING ARE: ruler tape measure measuring cup
A measuring tape or a ruler
A caliper, a ruler and a tape.
Both the ruler and the tape use a scale marked along their lengths.
1 Steel Ruler 2 Measuring Tape 3 Yardstick