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Orchiopexy - The repair of an undescended testicle.

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Q: When the testicles had not descended by the time he was 9 months old is called?
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What is a bilateral testicular?

The term bilateral means on both sides. So in this phrasing it just means that both testicles have descended from the abdomen into the scrotum. This is what is supposed to happen. It is considered problematic if both testicles have not descended into the scrotum by the time a boy is 1 year old.

How do you know if your male child's testicles have descended?

They SHOULD descend before age 1 year. If not the risks for testiculer cancer and infertility rise and he will need them surgically released. Many premature infants are born before the testes drop. Usually they will descend in the first 3 months after birth. If not by then, they are likely to descend in the next 3 months. If not by 6 months of age they are not as likely to descend on their own.

What was performed to a baby if the testicle had not yet descended by the time he was 9 months old?


What happens if a male dogs testicles don't drop by 6 months of age?

You need to take your dog in to be checked out by a Veterinarian and then neutered. The testicles will 95% chance turn cancerous after a period of time. You must get him neutered to insure your dog's good health.

Is any change in a kind of organism over time?

Any change in a type of organism over time is called evolution. It is the process by which modern organisms descended from prehistoric ones.

Can a male puppy be born with testicles?

Yes. That determines it to be male, along with another male organ called a penis. Sometimes the testicles do not descend down from the abdomen and are retained. You must have your Veterinarian do surgery to get them out as they can turn cancerous if left in. Male dogs are born with testicles, but they are generally inside the abdomen. The testicles usually "drop" by coming through the inguinal canal any time after 4 weeks of age.

Do testicles in puberty descend one at time?


What is the passage of days months and years called?

The march of time possibly.

If you are 15 and your penis is about 15 cms 6inches and you measure it regularly but it hasn't grown for a LONG time -but your body has a bit- could this meen your penis has stopped growing?

no, I'm also 15, and my body grew a lot during time, but my penis and testicles don't. Wait some months, now my penis and testicles are really big, (penis: 25cm). Wait Th time to pass, so you will have really fun then. I'm ejaculating now!!

When will a male puppies testicles drop?

Generally before six months of age. If you don't see one or both by this time--and they may still disappear again, if the puppy is cold or excited--there is a likelihood that your pup has one (or two) undescended testicles. If this is the case, castration is generally the preferred treatment option as the dog is unable to be shown in conformation, it is inadvisable to breed it (cryptorchidism is a recessive trait that could be passed on), and increases the dog's chances for developing testicular cancer. Some individuals, however, may be as much as a year old before both testicles are fully descended into the scrotum at all times.

When hospices is called in how much time does a person have to live?

Usually 6 months or less.

Two years old and testicles are not drop yet?

If the testicles have not dropped into the scrotum by the time a boy is 1 year old, he needs to be seen by a pediatrician, and most definitely by the age of 2. If the testicles remain trapped in the abdomen for an extended period of time it can cause some serious problems like sterility and testicular cancer.