One of the improvements that has been made to the calculator since the invention of the device is that calculators are much smaller now. Another improvement is that many of them are solar powered.
The Einstein Calculator is a calculator made by Albert Einstein. I have no clue what its about. Probably a normal calculator. I see u chase d! Desiree s. :)
A graphing calculator is a scientific calculator with a graphing display window. Otherwise, there are no limits to the type of calculations that can be made on either of them.
The first calculator was made in Hawaii
I saw the first modern electronic pocket calculator in 1967 when I was attending engineering school at the University of California in Berkeley. It was made by Hewlett-Packard.
One of the improvements that has been made to the calculator since the invention of the device is that calculators are much smaller now. Another improvement is that many of them are solar powered.
The improvements were made to PATA to allow for the programs to load faster. The improvements are made to make navigation easier as well.
Improvements were made to television to make tv experience better.
some improvements
the futher improvements that will be made to the ipod could be water proof and no headphones needed
Blaise Pascal
To what?