Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.
depends if the first number is bigger than the second number than it is a negative
sometimes... if the negative number is bigger than a positive number, than the answer is negative. if the positive number is bigger than a negative number, then the answer is positive. if they are the same, then the answer is zero. here is a helpful hint. -x+y is the same as y-x.
No it is smaller than 0
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.
There is only one way to change a decimal number to a number bigger than it. Any number such as 5821.2347 adding a zero to either end won't make it bigger. The only way is to get a number negative or smaller than 1 but not 0 than making it to the power of 0 can make it one which is bigger.
Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.
Yes. a decimal is a positive number. you can have negative decimals too
No a decimal is smaller than a whole number.
It is bigger
depends if the first number is bigger than the second number than it is a negative
When the number is greater
sometimes... if the negative number is bigger than a positive number, than the answer is negative. if the positive number is bigger than a negative number, then the answer is positive. if they are the same, then the answer is zero. here is a helpful hint. -x+y is the same as y-x.
Not necessarily, if the decimal is also negative. eg -4 is not greater than -3.5
No it is smaller than 0