

Best Answer

-- If they both start out with the same sign (both negative or both positive), then do this:

. . . . . add their two values

. . . . . the answer has the same sign as the two original integers.

-- If they start out with opposite signs (one negative and one positive), then do this:

. . . . . forget about the signs

. . . . . find their difference (subtract the smaller number from the larger one)

. . . . . give it the sign of whichever original integer was the larger number.

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Q: When you add two integers how do you know if the answer is positive or negative?
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If you add integers that are negative then your answer will be positive?

No. Adding negative integers will result in an integer that is more negative.

Is the answer to adding two negative integers a positive or negative?

When you add two negative integers, the answer is still negative.

How do you add and subbtract positive and negative integers?

When adding negative integers, you subtract. (2+-1=1) When subtracting negative integers, you add. (2--3=5)

What are the rules for adding and subtracting integers?

when you add two positive integers the answer is always positive when you add two negative integers the answer is positive when you add one negative and on positive integer, the answer is negative subtracting two negative numbers gets a negative answer subtracting two positive numbers- the answer depends subtracting a negative and positive number- the answer depends, the positive number would have to be bigger than the negative to achieve a negative number, and if the positive number is less, than the answer is still negative

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It will always be negative.

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It will always be positive.

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No, the sum of two negative integers is not a positive integer. For example, if you add -5 and -6 together the sum would be -11.

When you add two integers how can you decide whether it is a positive negative or zero?

That will depend on the two integers that you use. The result could be any of negative, zero or positive.

Why two negatives is a positive?

I feel that two negatives are positive because you add* your two negative integers* together, you would be doing this: -+- (negative + negative) so the response is, is that if two integers where both negative, you would add, just like if there were two positives, you would add, but not if you have different signs. (positive+negative) you would subtract. Just as the same with negative + positive. [REVIEW: if the sign is the same, add, if the sign is different, you subtract.] *=you may not always add *=integers- a fancy word for numbers.

How do you add and subtract positive and negative integers?

+2 + -1= 1

How do you add negative integers without using the number line?

if they are both negative, add like they are positive numbers, but just add the negative sign.

Find consecutive negative integers whose sum is 110?

There is no solution.Consecutive negative integers will always add up to a negative number. 110 is positive.