Decimals are used in money. There is a real difference between a 1.99 and 199.00.
there are None!
Oh, dude, you're really making me do math right now? Okay, fine. So, if we're looking for two decimals that multiply to 0.2 and divide to 0.8, we could have 0.4 and 0.5. But like, who even uses decimals in real life, right?
You use integers in golf, temperature (not body temp. because those sometimes use decimals), football yardage, weight, globes, and maps.
Yes. In general, real numbers include negative numbers; they also include numbers that have decimals.
Any time we compare decimals, except in out dreams/nightmares! We cannot leave the real world purely for the purpose of comparing decimals and return to the real word when we have done that!
where could you find a pentagon in the real world
Nowhere. Fractions and decimals - in fact mathematics - are man-made concepts. They do not actually exist in physical form. However, nowadays you would find it almost impossible to survive without their applications.
All decimals are real numbers and all real numbers can be expressed as decimals.
First of All,HE"S FICTIONAL! Second IF he was real,you could never find him,he travels the ENTIRE WORLD at the Speed of Sound.
How you use decimals in real life.We use decimals when buying a grocery items in the market. Example the price of potato is $20.19.
When you go shopping for something you might have to round decimals to find what you have to pay.
No, they are not.
You see them at resteraunts, when paying. At stores. They are all over. Never think you won't see them.
Decimals are used in money. There is a real difference between a 1.99 and 199.00.