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In the university of Krakow.

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Q: Where did Nicolas Copernicus do most of his work?
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Were did Nicolas Copernicus do his work?

in a university

Where did Nicolas Copernicus work at?

at university of krakow

Where did Nicolas Copernicus practice his work?

the playboy manchion

Where did Nicolas Copernicus work?

Mostly in Frombork (Frauenburg)

Where was homeland of Nicolas Copernicus?

Nicolas Copernicus' homeland is Poland

What are the reference sources for Nicolas Copernicus?

What are the reference sources of nicolas copernicus?

How does Nicolas Copernicus became interested in science?

How does Nicolas Copernicus became interested in science?

Is there anything named after Nicolas Copernicus?

yes there is a element called "Copernicum" which is named after Nicolas Copernicus.

How was Nicolas Copernicus idea different from what people believed in at the time?

Nicolas Copernicus believed that the sun was the center of the solar system. Before that most believed that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Did Nicolas Copernicus have kids?


What is the full name of Nicolas Copernicus?

Nicolaus Jack Copernicus

Did Nicolas Copernicus ever wright books?

yes he had and he had written lots. But the most famous is "de revolutionibus orbium coelestium" meaning "On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres" Cya research more about nicholas Copernicus at Nicolas Copernicus" class='external' title="NicolasCopernicus