

Where did euclid do work?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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he worked in a city in Greece with a friend as a teacher

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Pythagoras and Euclid were best known for their work in mathematics.

How is Euclid's work used today?

Euclid's work was geometry, many jobs use geometry such as engineers and architecture

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Euclid was Greek but carried out much of his work in Alexandria in Egypt.

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he was known as the greatest mathmetician

What was Euclid's impact of work?

he was known as the greatest mathmetician

Did Euclid receive any awards for his math?

yes he did Nothing is known of Euclid's personal life or of any awards he may have received for his work.

What made Euclid famous?

Euclid is remembered mostly for his work, Elements, which is a collation of all the mathematics known at the time when he lived and taught at the University in Alexandria in Egypt.

What was Euclid considered in all of history?

The ancient Greek Euclid was a genius. His work in geometry helped science immensely. Not only in his time but later on when Europe developed.