To write ninety-three and five tenths in decimals, you would write it as 93.5. This is because the whole number part, ninety-three, is written before the decimal point and the decimal part, five tenths, is written after the decimal point. In the decimal system, each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10, with tenths being one place to the right of the decimal point.
37/10 = 3.7
What is four and three tenths in decimal form
3/5 + 7/10 = 1 3/10 or one and three tenths. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.3.
To write twelve and three tenths as a decimal, write the number twelve as a whole number to the left of the decimal place and three tenths as three to the right of the decimal place. It appears as 12.3
The decimal number of seven and four tenths and three hundredths is 7.43
the no. will be 3.7
It is 17.3
To write ninety-three and five tenths in decimals, you would write it as 93.5. This is because the whole number part, ninety-three, is written before the decimal point and the decimal part, five tenths, is written after the decimal point. In the decimal system, each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10, with tenths being one place to the right of the decimal point.
37/10 = 3.7
fifty-seven and three tenths
It is 63.7
Expressed as a decimal, 3 7/10 is equal to 3.7.
Parts of a number like 3 tenths always go on the right side of the decimal point. Whole numbers go on the left side of the decimal point 3 tenths = .3
3.0857 meant to be read three point zero tenths eight hundredths five thousandths and seven tens of thousandths.
3.7 * * * * * No. That is three and seven TENTHS! 37/8 = 3.875