Pythagoras lived in Greece and the island he lived on was samos
Pythagoras lived for 75 yearshe lived from 1478-1412
he lived!
Pythagoras lived from around 580-500 BC Euclid lived from about 325-265 BC Archimedes lived from about 287-212 BC
Euclid is thought to have lived from about 325 to 265 BC. Pythagoras lived approximately 250 years before Euclid, from about 582 to 500 BC.
Pythagoras lived in Greece and the island he lived on was samos
Pythagoras lived in Greece and the island he lived on was samos
Pythagoras lived for 75 yearshe lived from 1478-1412
The mathematician Pythagoras - lived approximately from 570 BC to 495 BC
he lived!
Pythagoras lived from around 580-500 BC Euclid lived from about 325-265 BC Archimedes lived from about 287-212 BC
He lived in Samos when being a child
No. Pythagoras lived so long ago that little is known about him, let alone about his ancestry.
Some of the scientists who lived in Greece were pythagoras, ptolemy, aristotle, and euclid
Auony lived near the coast.