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Pythagoras lived in Greece and the island he lived on was samos

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Q: Which island did Pythagoras live?
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Where did Pythagoras and his family live?

Pythagoras lived in Greece and the island he lived on was samos

Was Pythagoras was born on a Greek island?

Pythagoras was born in Samos.

Where did Pythagoras from?

i think you meant where was Pythagoras from. he was from samos, an island in greek

What island of Greece did Pythagoras live?

He was born 570 b.c in samos India and died 495 B.C

What island was Pythagoras born on?


What was Pythagoras birthday?

Pythagoras was born about 570 BC, on the Greek island Samos.

Where has Pythagoras lived?

Pythagoras grew up in Samos (A small island in eastern Aegean.)

Who was Pythagoras' mother?

Pythagoras' mother was Pythais, who was also known as Parthenis. She was a native of Samos, an island in the eastern Aegean Sea. Pythagoras was born around 570 BC to Pythais and Mnesarchus, a merchant from Tyre.

In which country was the mathematician Pythagoras born?

the Island of Samos

What was The birth place of Pythagoras?

Samos Island, Ionia.

What is the name of the island that Pythagoras was born and lived on?


Where was Pythagoras' home?

a greek island called Samos