Stanford University EPGY is honored to provide every Memphis City Schools (MCS) student with access to interactive Mathematics and Language Arts & Writing software developed at Stanford University. Students can benefit from this interactive, differentiated software using any computer with an internet connection, including home computers. Student login information is available via the school site or via To find your school-specific login page, please visit
9th grade math can vary throughout high schools in different places.Most schools have Algebra I as the standard math course.Some high schools offer more advanced classes for smarter people, and offer courses for 9th graders that are meant for 10th or 11th grade students. This means that some schools offer geometry, and even sometimes Algebra II/Trigonometry.
Secondary school mathematics consists of mathematics typically taught in middle schools (a.k.a., junior high schools) and high schools (or secondary schools) — that is, roughly ages 11–17. It is preceded by primary school mathematics and followed by university level mathematics.
What do you mean by everyday math? Everyday Math is the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, a curriculem that many schools across America use. for more information, look it up! or do you mean everyday math as in the math we use everyday such as things like telling Tim (it is math by the way!) or handling money and finding percents for a sale price?! and multipulcation
ST Math is a program available for schools only, from the MIND Research Institute for grades K-5 with a middle school intervention. There is currently no retail version. See
city block by taking the square root
Math has been in schools as long as there have been schools.
uga Duke University is very good for basketball and math. Stanford is my pick for football and math.
A lot of the Ivy Schools are good schools for students who want to major in math. There are several academies of Math. They may not suit you though.
Well, first you would want to be educated as a math teacher. Many schools look for certain credentials. Check the city or state where you want to be employed for such requirements, then find out what the governing body is for the city or state, and ask them.
The driving distance between Memphis & Palm Beach, FLORIDA is 952 miles.Source(s):Travel Math
Stanford's 2014 25th-75th percentile SAT Math Scores are 700-790, meaning 25% of students scored 700 or lower on the Math portion of the SAT, and 75% of students scored 790 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 790 or higher).
Stanford's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT Math Scores are 31-35, meaning 25% of students scored 31 or lower on the ACT Math Score, and 75% of students scored 35 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 35 or higher).
I am the asker of this question. I am in 8th grade, and I do not know what college to go to. I am not very good at math, but I am GREAT at everything else. I am looking at USNA and USMA. But I like Stanford and MIT. Those are hard to get into with low Math scores correct? I need some advice. Also is math looked at when applying for a medical school or law school (graduate schools in general) Thanks in advance for answers.
NO. If that's your highest math course, forget college. I'm doing it in 5th grade.
They need math teachers in all schools around the world.
its usally DQ but some schools can have math for engeneerin as well.
For colleges, Princeton is the top math school.