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Q: Where is the home town of Charles Babbage?
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Who invent computer?

Charles Babbage and it was first made for military use

How do you pronounce Charles Babbage's name?

charles babbage

Who is the founder of computer?

Charles babbage

Charles Babbage an Indian?

Charles Babbage was English

Was Charles Babbage homeschooled yes or no?

No he was not home schooled. He had many tutors but he was not home schooled.

Who helped invent the computer?

Charles babbage

The idea that employees should also share the profit of organization was given by which of?

Charles Babbage

What country was Charles Babbage from?

Charles Babbage was born in London, England.

Is Charles Babbage a Filipino scientist?

is charles babbage a filipino scientist

Where was Charle Babbage born?

The birthplace of Charles Babbage is disputed; however, genealogical records contend that he was born at home, at 44 Crosby Row, Walworth Road, London, on December 26, 1791. Home births were customary in that era.The parish register of St. Mary's Newington, London, shows that Babbage was baptized on January 6, 1792.Charles Babbage died on October 18, 1871, was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery, London.In Teignmouth, a town in the county of Devon in the southwest of England.

Who were Benjamin Babbage's children?

Charles babbage

Who invented the analytic engine and the difference engine?

Charles Babbage