Put 8.98 a little to the left of the number 9 on the number line.
Between 1 and 2
Put 140 to 150 on a number then you check which is the nearest to 148.
The vinculum is placed on top of the repeating number after the decimal. For example, 1/3 would be written out as .333333 or .3 with the vinculum above the three.
You model your equation on a number line to using a bar model.
At the number 2, draw a vertical line (perpendicular to the number line) and mark a distance of 1 unit on this line. Call this point X The distance from 0 to X is sqrt(5). Put a compass with its point at 0 and the pencil at X, and then draw an arc to cut the number line. That will be sqrt(5) on the number line.
Between 1 and 2
Between 1 and 2
Smaller numbers always go to the left of larger number on the number line.
You can not be serious about this question. What makes you think I would put my number on line? You can not be serious about this question. What makes you think I would put my number on line?
No. However, it does have to have a beginning number. beside the beginning number, on the actual line, you would put an arrow on the end of it, because numbers are infinite in both directions.
Where to put 0.311 in a number line
It IS on a Number Line. Set of Integers.
Put 140 to 150 on a number then you check which is the nearest to 148.
To address a P.O. Box, you would put the recipient's name on the first line, followed by "P.O. Box" and the number on the second line. On the third line, put the city, state, and ZIP code.
you put a dash where the correct number is.
you put a dot on the number.
Any number that you can put on the number line is real.