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Q: Which SI measurement prefix corresponds to the factor 10 -2?
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Which international system measueant prefix corresponds to the factor 10?

The Metric system is based on 10.

A factor of 1.01 corresponds to the prefix?

There is no special prefix for that factor. There are SI prefixes for powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001), and especially for powers of 1000 (1000, a million, a billion, 1/1000, etc.)

What SI prefix corresponds to 10 3?

There is no prefix for "10-3".

A factor of 1.0 10 -1 corresponds to the prefic?


What unit prefix corresponds to 10 plus 3?

If you mean 10 to the power plus 3, the answer is kilo.

What does the prefix deci mean?

The prefix deci means 10th (1/10) 10.

An increase of 20 dB increases the sound intensity by a factor of?

A factor of 100. Every 10 dB, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.A factor of 100. Every 10 dB, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.A factor of 100. Every 10 dB, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.A factor of 100. Every 10 dB, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.

What is the meaning of da newton?

The Prefix 'da' is a multiplication factor. It stands for deca and In this case is a multiplication factor of 10.

The prefix deka corresponds to a factor of?

if by deka, you mean deca, deca means 10. DECAde, DECAgon, etcDEKA also mean DEan KAmen inc. the company which invented a prothtetic arm, a water distillers then gets water from urine, the segway and otheer inventions.

Each step of 1 on the Richter scale of earthquake magnitude corresponds to a change in energy release of a factor of about?

exactly 10

How much is 1 decimeter?

A decimeter is one tenth of a meter, or 10 centimeters, or 100 millimeters. It is equal to about one third of a foot, or 3.94 inches, in English measurement.

What is the numerical meaning of pico?

(used in units of measurement) denoting a factor of 10^−12