The sum of the first 500 counting numbers (1-500) is 125,001.
No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions. If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative. Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.
Apart from zero (which is its own opposite), the opposites of whole numbers are also whole numbers. You have the set of whole numbers which is also known as the set of integers.
The set of all whole numbers and their opposites are
they are almost all equivalent - whole numbers also have the number 0, which natural numbers (counting numbers) do not.
The sum of the first 500 counting numbers (1-500) is 125,001.
Not couting 1 and 1000, there would be 998 numbers.
No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions. If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative. Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.
You don't. All prime numbers are also whole numbers.
Apart from zero (which is its own opposite), the opposites of whole numbers are also whole numbers. You have the set of whole numbers which is also known as the set of integers.
The set of rational numbers includes all whole numbers, so SOME rational numbers will also be whole number. But not all rational numbers are whole numbers. So, as a rule, no, rational numbers are not whole numbers.
Apart from zero (which is its own opposite), the opposites of whole numbers are also whole numbers. You have the set of whole numbers which is also known as the set of integers.
56 is a rational whole natural number. Or to put it another way: 56 is a Natural number, but as all natural numbers are also whole numbers 56 is also a whole number, but as all whole numbers are also rational numbers 56 is also a rational number. Natural numbers are a [proper] subset of whole numbers; Whole numbers are a [proper] subset of rational numbers. The set of rational numbers along with the set of irrational numbers make up the set of real numbers
There are no natural numbers which are not also whole numbers.
No, they are not.
They both exclude fractions and irrational numbers. Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers (also called integers); Natural numbers are any positive whole number (meaning any whole number 1 or greater). Whole numbers, also called integers, can be zero or negative.