No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions.
If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative.
Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.
Positive and negative whole numbers and zero are integers. Zero is neither negative or positive.
Whole numbers can be positive or negative numbers. Numbers are whole as long as they have no fractins or decimals with them.
Natural numbers are:counting numbersnon-negative, non-zero integers; positive integersnon-zero whole numbers; positive whole numbers
Whole numbers are numbers from 0 to infinity. They must be numbers that are not fractions or decimals, and must be positive. Integers can be any numbers that are whole, negative or positive. Zero is not a positive number. Neither is it negative. Rational numbers are an fraction. Eg: 6/10 or 6/6 They can also be whole numbers because 6/6 is also 1. Counting numbers are also numbers 1-infinity, but once again, it is all whole numbers, meaning that they are not decimals or some thing like: .1 or 1/2
The set of positive whole numbers is not closed under subtraction! In order for a set of numbers to be closed under some operation would mean that if you take any two elements of that set and use the operation the resulting "answer" would also be in the original set.26 is a positive whole number.40 is a positive whole number.However 26-40 = -14 which is clearly not a positive whole number. So positive whole numbers are not closed under subtraction.
No. One half is positive but not whole.
No. One half is positive but not whole.
No, the vast majority of positive numbers are not whole numbers.
Whole numbers are positive numbers from zero to infinity. Integers are both positive and negative numbers. So whole numbers and integers have positive numbers in common, but only integers have negative numbers. Both have zero, and both have no fractions.
Positive and negative whole numbers and zero are integers. Zero is neither negative or positive.
Whole numbers can be positive or negative numbers. Numbers are whole as long as they have no fractins or decimals with them.
Yes, EXCEPT for the number 0. It is a whole number but is not positive or negative. Real Numbers - Everything I. Rational Numbers- Any number except for non terminating decimals A. Integers- Any negative or positive number...not a decimal1. Whole Numbers- Any positive integer INCLUDING ZEROa. Natural Numbers- Any positive integer (NOT INCLUDING ZERO) The answer is not entirely correct, Whole numbers are numbers without a fractional part or decimal point. Therefore whole numbers can be negative as well as positive. -2 is a whole number but is not positive. There are a number of different interpretations for whole numbers, from non-negative integers, positive integers and all integers (which includes negative integers)
No, integers are positive and negative whole numbers
Whole numbers are positive numbers and there are no fractions or decimals.
Any positive number. Whole numbers are all positive and integers are any number including negatives.