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Q: Which decimal could you use to represent 3 ones 5 tenths 2 hundreds?
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What is the decimal of one and three tenths?

You could say it is thirteen tenths or one and three tenths. The decimal form is either 1.3 or 1.30.

What is the decimal for one and three tenths?

You could say it is thirteen tenths or one and three tenths. The decimal form is either 1.3 or 1.30.

How could you use a meter stick to show tenths and hundreds?

get a ruler

How you wright 3 tenths as a decimal?

You do not. You could write it as 0.3

How do you write 13 tenths in decimal form?

13 tenths = 1.3

How could you represent the fraction four tenths using a model or number line?

Create a number line from zero to one where the gradations are in tenths.

What is the decimal expanded form for three tenths?

you cannot say that you could convert 30 to a decimal! Unless a fraction which is 3000/10.

How do you write 0.000088 as a word name?

0.000088 in words is 'zero point zero zero zero zero eight eight'. However this is rather tedious and could be said as 'eighty eight millionths. NB In decimal nomenclature, from the decimal point to the right. It is tenths(1), hundreds(2) , thousandths(3), tens of thousandths(4), hundreds of thousandths(5), & millionths(6). The bracketed number represents the decimal position to the right of the decimal point.

What does the decimal number in the periodic represent?

In the equation of a periodic motion it could represent the amplitude, frequency or phase.

Is a decimal that continues without end?

It is a non-terminating decimal, which could represent a rational number or an irrational number.

What does period mean in math class?

A period could represent a decimal point.

How do you write one and three tenths as a decimal?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 1 3/10 is equal to 1.3.