17/100 = 0.17 as a decimal
It is difficult to answer without knowing exactly where the decimal point is in 07 so here are the three options. .07 is less than 0.15 0.7 is greater than 0.15 7 is greater still.
Well, honey, 17 percent more or less the same as 017 is just another way of saying that the number is roughly equivalent to 17. So, yes, 17 percent more or less the same as 017. Math can be a real hoot sometimes, can't it?
No, 7.3 is greater than (>) 7.24 in decimal form, greater by 0.06
0.7 is a greater decimal than 0.65 - the difference between the two numbers is 0.05.
17/100 = 0.17 as a decimal
It is difficult to answer without knowing exactly where the decimal point is in 07 so here are the three options. .07 is less than 0.15 0.7 is greater than 0.15 7 is greater still.
Well, honey, 17 percent more or less the same as 017 is just another way of saying that the number is roughly equivalent to 17. So, yes, 17 percent more or less the same as 017. Math can be a real hoot sometimes, can't it?
You add an positive number to .07. The answer is greater than .07
Yes, except you're missing the decimal point, so 0.017 km.
No, 7.3 is greater than (>) 7.24 in decimal form, greater by 0.06
Any decimal equaled to or greater than 1.27.
7 = 07
0.7 is a greater decimal than 0.65 - the difference between the two numbers is 0.05.
Any decimal that is greater than 0.01