7 over 20 is greater than 4 over 15
To determine which fraction is larger, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 120. Converting 5/8 to have a denominator of 120 gives us 75/120, while converting 7/15 gives us 56/120. Therefore, 5/8 is larger than 7/15.
An improper fraction is a fraction in which the top number (numerator) is largerthan the bottom number (denominator).Such a fraction can always be converted to a whole number plus sometimes a'proper' fraction.Examples:The improper fraction 45/15 = 3 .The improper fraction 10/7 = 13/7 .
7/8 is bigger than 13/15 7/8 = 105/120 13/15= 104/120 thus, 7/8 is bigger than 13/15
4/15 = 20/75 7/25 = 21/75 So, 7/25 is bigger.
7 over 20 is greater than 4 over 15
13/25 or 7/8 Same as 104/200 or 175/200 You decide
7/8 8x15=120 7/8=105/120 7/15=56/120
5/8 is greater.
divide eight into 5 and then divide 15 into 7 and compare the answers.
14/15: In decimal, 7/8 is .875 In decimal, 14/15 is .9333 (threes go on forever)
-7(13) = -91 is an integer, not a fraction!
7/8 as a decimal = 0.875 and 14/15 as a decimal = 0.9333 ...recurring 3 So 14/15 is larger than 7/8