To determine which number is bigger between 1.5 and 1.25, we can compare their decimal representations. 1.5 is equivalent to 1.50, while 1.25 is already in decimal form. When comparing these numbers, we see that 1.50 is greater than 1.25 because the digit 5 is in the tenths place, which is larger than 2 in the hundredths place. Therefore, 1.5 is bigger than 1.25.
Well, friend, when we look at 1.5 and 1.25, we see that 1.5 is bigger because it has more tenths. Imagine it like painting a beautiful sky with more clouds in it - the sky with more clouds is bigger and more full of wonder. So, in this case, 1.5 is the bigger number, just like a sky full of fluffy clouds.
.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
It depends on how you define "bigger" Both numbers have the same absolute value, namely 125. If you consider positive numbers big and negative numbers as small, then certainly 125 is bigger.
15 can of course go into 125, but not an even number of times. 125 / 15 = 8-1/3
Well, 125 is larger than 15, so . . .
.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
It depends on how you define "bigger" Both numbers have the same absolute value, namely 125. If you consider positive numbers big and negative numbers as small, then certainly 125 is bigger.
15/125 = 0.12
15 is what percent of 125= 15 / 125= 0.12Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.12 * 100 = 12%
15 is what percent of 125= 15 / 125= 0.12Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.12 * 100 = 12%
15% out of 125 = 0.15 out of 125 = 0.0012 or 0.12%
15/1.25 = 12 Therefore, the number that 15 is 125 percent of, is 12.
15 can of course go into 125, but not an even number of times. 125 / 15 = 8-1/3
15 15 27 52 125