3/22 or 2/33 Bring to a common denominator of '66' Make the numerators the equivalent fraction. 3/22 = 9/66 and 2/33 = 4 /66 We now compare the numerators(top) 9 > 4 . Hence 9/66 > 4/66 . It follows 3/22 > 2/33
22/33 = 2/3
4 11 11 22 22 26 33 33. =22
22/33 = 2/3 = 4/6 = 6/9 = 8/12 . . .
33 40 is greater
Different denominators.
3/22 or 2/33 Bring to a common denominator of '66' Make the numerators the equivalent fraction. 3/22 = 9/66 and 2/33 = 4 /66 We now compare the numerators(top) 9 > 4 . Hence 9/66 > 4/66 . It follows 3/22 > 2/33
22/33 = 2/3
22/33 = 2/3
2/33 ≈ 0.061 3/22 ≈ 0.136 3/22 is the bigger fraction
27/33 − 6/22 = 396/726 which reduces to 6/11
The first of the two.
22/24 or 33/36 they are the same, factor and see 2*11/2*12 or 3*11/3*12 eliminate the 2's, top and bottom and the 3,s, top and bottom 11/12 = 11/12
11, 22, 33
12 over 22 and 33 over 43