It is 2/3 of 33 = 22
Different denominators.
3/22 or 2/33 Bring to a common denominator of '66' Make the numerators the equivalent fraction. 3/22 = 9/66 and 2/33 = 4 /66 We now compare the numerators(top) 9 > 4 . Hence 9/66 > 4/66 . It follows 3/22 > 2/33
3/22 = 9/66 2/33 = 4/66 The first one is greater.
It is: 22/33 = 2/3 simplified
22/33 = 2/3
2/3*33 =2/11 =.1818181818181818 with 18 repeating.
2/33 ≈ 0.061 3/22 ≈ 0.136 3/22 is the bigger fraction
22/33 = 2/3
22/33 = 2/3
How to solve: 2/3 + 1/11 2/3 X 11 = 22/33 1/11 X 3 = 3/33 22/33 + 3/33 = 25/33 25/33 can not be reduced so it is the final answer.