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All the nonmetals with a multiple of five for their atomic number are as follows:

Boron (5); Boron is a metalloid, which means that it is a mixture of metal qualities and nonmetal qualities.

Neon (10);

Phosphorous (15);

Bromine (35);

Astatine (85).

All the rest are either metals or undiscovered.

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Q: Which nonmetals have an atomic number that is a multiple of 5?
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The atomic number is the number of Protons The mass number is the number of Protons and Neutrons The number of Electrons always equals the number of Protons Therefore according to the above information the atomic number of the atom is 5 HOWEVER there is NO element with a mass number (atomic mass) of 9 with an atomic number of 5. You question is impossible to answer. Beryllium has an Atomic mass of 9.0122 and an Atomic number of 4 Boron has an Atomic mass of 10.811 and an Atomic number of 5

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The atomic number of Boron is 5.

What is the atomic number for Boron?

Atomic Number:5 Symbol:B

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Boron is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 35.

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Boron is a none metal element. atomic number of it is 5.

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Boron is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 5.

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number is both a prime number and a multiple of 5 = 5

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The atomic number is always the same as the number of electrons in a neutral atom; therefore the element is boron, with an atomic number of 5.

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Atomic number describes about number of protons.It is equals to number of protons.