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A triangle has the fewest amount of sides possible to create a closed figure.

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Q: Which polygon has the minimum number of sides?
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Related questions

What do you call a polygon with 2sides and 2 right angles?

The minimum number of sides for a polygon is 3 sides.

What is the maximum number of sides for a polygon?

Any number above 3 sides which is the minimum

How many sides possible in a polygon?

The number of sides possible in a polygon is a minimum of 3, with an unlimited maximum. For a regular polygon, as the number of sides approaches infinity, it approaches the shape of a circle.

Can a Square have 104 sides?

No, a square by definition can have only 4 sides. A polygon is a plane figure bounded by straight lines. A polygon can have any number of sides (minimum 3) and therefore a 104-sided polygon can be created.

What is the given name of the 2 sided polygon?

Normally the minimum number sides a polygon can have is 3 which is a triangle and probably there is no such name given to a 2 sided polygon.

Which is the minimum number of sides of a polygon?

Anything over 2. Some, eg triangle, are special cases...

What is the minimum number of sides of a polygon?

Two straight lines cannot enclose a space - therefore three lines is the minimum requirement for a polygon. I would like to note that a digon is a polygon and it has 2 sides. Therefore, the minimum is 2. However, some people call a digon an improper polygon since it contradicts the definition of polygon. A digon can only be made on a sphere, so the answer is never truly correct.

What is the polygon that has the most number of sides?

Technically, a polygon can have an unlimited number of sides.

How many sides are there on a regular polygon?

No fixed number. The minimum is 3 sides, for a triangle. Beyond about 20 sides, it's difficult to distinguish it visually from a circle.

How do you find how many sides a polygon would have with only an angle?

If the only information that you have is the angle and the shape is a polygon, then you cannot determine how many sides the polygon consists of. The minimum number of sides is 3, but without seeing a picture, or knowing what type of polygon (e.g. right triangle or equalaterial triangle), then you won't be able to determine how many sides the polygon has.

How many sides does the polygon have?

A polygon does not have a set number of sides.

How many types of polygon you have?

A polygon is a shape with multiple sides. There are an infinite number of polygons, as the polygon is classified by the number of sides.