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eighthedron eighthedron

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Q: Which polyhedron has 12 vertices's and 18 edges?
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How many faces does a polyhedron have with 18 edges and 12 vertices?


Larissa made a model of of a polyhedron using 8 pieces of clay for vertices and 18 straws for the edges what type of polyhedron did Larissa make?

This polyhedron has 7 vertices and 12 edges.

What shape looks like a hexagonal prism?

This polyhedron has 8 faces, 18 edges, and 12 vertices

There are 18 edges and 8 faces in a polyhedron. how many vertices does it have?

12 vertices A prism with an n-sided base will have 2n vertices, n + 2 faces, and 3n edges.

Does a polyhedron have 10 faces 28 edges and 18 vertices?

No. The given numbers do not satisfy the Euler characteristic for a simply connected polyhedron.

What has 9 faces 12 edges and 18 vertices?

It must be a very strange shape. The numbers do not satisfy the Euler characteristic for any simply connected polyhedron.

How many edges are in a octohedron?

An octahedron (not octohedron) is a polyhedron with 8 faces. There are 257 distinct topological octahedrons and the number of vertices and edges varies.For example, an octahedron in the form of a quadrilateral based bipyramid has only 12 edges whereas a hexagonal prism has 18.

What shape has 9 faces 18 edges and 10 vertices?

There can be no such polyhedron since the given numbers are not consistent with the Euler characteristic.

How many faces edges vertices octahedron got?

An octahedron has8 faces, 12 to 18 edges and 6 to 12 edges.

How many vertices and edges does a hexagonal prism have?

12 vertices and 18 edges.

What shape has 8 faces 18 edges and 12 vetices?

An hexagonal cross-section prism has 8 faces, 18 edges and 12 vertices

If a polyhedron has ten faces and the number of edges is eight more than the number of vertices's What is the number of edges of the polyhedron?

All convex ten-faced polyhedra meet this criteria, and perhaps other polyhedra as well. There are several solutions, including: the polyhedron the half truncated cube: it has 24 edges.The octahedral prism has 24 edges.The square anti-prism 16 edges.The pentagonal bipyramid has 15 edges.The nonagonal pyramid has 18 edges.