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work= force x distance, so both require work

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Q: Which requires more work lifting a 50-kg sack a vertical distance of 2 m or lifting a 25-kg sack a vertical distance of 4 m?
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Which requires more work lifting a 50 kg sack a vertical distanceof 2 m or lifting a 25kg sack a vertical distance of 4?

Lifting a 50 kg sack a vertical distance of 2 m requires more work, as work is calculated as force multiplied by distance. In this case, the weight of the sack (force) is higher, resulting in more work done compared to lifting a 25 kg sack a vertical distance of 4 m.

Which requires more work-lifting a 50 kgsack a vertical distance of two meters or lifting a 25kg sack a vertical distance of four meters?

Lifting a 50 kg sack a vertical distance of two meters requires more work because work is equal to force multiplied by distance. In this case, the force is greater (50 kg as opposed to 25 kg) even though the distance is shorter.

How much work is it to lift a 25kg sack of cement vertically 4.3m?

The work done to lift a 25kg sack of cement vertically 4.3m is approximately 1075 Joules. This can be calculated using the formula: Work = Force x Distance, where Force = mass x gravity = 25kg x 9.81 m/s^2 and Distance = 4.3m.

How much should a15 year old be benching?

i am 15 at the moment and have been training since i was 12. i can now lift about 70kg but an average should be lifting about 25kg

How many grams in 25kg?

There are 25,000 grams in 25kg.

How many 25kg in 1 ton?

There are 40 25kg bags in 1 ton.

How many 25kg bags in half a ton of soil?

There are 20 bags of 25kg in half a ton of soil.

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from 25kg bag of potatoes mum used 6000 g what weight of potatoes remains?

This question is essentially asking 25kg - 6 000g. 25kg can be converted to 25 000g making it comparable. It would be this: 25kg - 6 000g = 25 000g - 6 000g = 19 000g Therefore you would have 19 000g or 19kg left over after using them.

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The amount of water needed to dissolve 25kg of salt depends on the concentration of the salt solution desired. In general, 25kg of salt would require more than 25kg of water to fully dissolve, as salt has a limited solubility in water. Additional water would be needed to create a saturated salt solution.