A circular pie chart is a type of graph that does not have an x and y axis.
This graph is called the x graph.
A pie chart or a pictorial graph
I am assuming the you are talking about the graph of the derivative. The graph of the derivative of F(x) is the graph such that, for any x, the value of x on the graph of the derivative of F(x) is the slope at point x in F(x).
a line graph
.... then your graph is inverted.
up and down. the x goes left and right
A circular pie chart is a type of graph that does not have an x and y axis.
The main vertical line going up the middle is generally refered to as the y axis, while the horizontal line that meets the yaxis in the middle is refered to as the x axis. the line that's going up the line that's going across is the x axis
This graph is called the x graph.
A pie chart or a pictorial graph
Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid
x = constant.
On graph paper. The horizontal line is the x-axis. The vertical line is the y-axis. Where the two line intersect is deemed to be the origin, and given the co-ordinates , in (x,y) form , of (0,0).
We use y_y axes
X-y graph
X-y graph