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it shifts to the rightt!

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Q: Which way does a graph shift if you subtract that number from each x in the equation?
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To shift the graph of an equation a certain number of units down you need to that number to from the functions equation?


How do you shift the graph of a equation some number of the units to the you add that number to each x in the equation?

Subtract that number from. Your welcome dumb

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What happens to the graph of y equals x when the equation changes to y equals x 9?

The line y = x will shift up when you add a value to x and shift down when you subtract a value from x.

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When you shift the graph of an equation left or right does every instance of x in the equation changes?

Yes. For example, if you want to shift the graph 5 units to the right, you must replace every instance of "x" by "x-5".

How do you add and subtract two sinusoidal ac waveforms graphically and by phasor diagram?

I already have the graph drawn on graph paper with 2 waves on , my phase shift is 1.5 and 180degrees. Anyone know how to add and subtract the sinusoidal ac waveforms on the graph, and by phasor diagram?

Is f(x) shifted downward a units?

To shift a funcion (or its graph) down "a" units, you subtract "a" from the function. For example, x squared gives you a certain graph; "x squared minus a" will give you the same graph, but shifted down "a" units. Similarly, you can shift a graph upwards "a" units, by adding "a" to the function.

If you wanted to shift the graph of y 4x plus 7 down which equation could you use apex?

y = 4x + 3

What can shift a quadratic graph horizontally?

If the equation is a(x-n)2+c, c causes the vertical shift. By setting the part in parenthesis, x-n, equal to 0, you can find the horizontal shift (x-n=0). I hope this helped :)

When you shift the graph of an equation up or down does every instance of x in the equation change?

Yes, for example if you have y=x but you shifted the equation up 3 units hence: y=x+3. than you will receive a different y from every instance (point) of x. Reference:

How do you graph a parabola on a TI 84 calculator?

hit Y= hit X,T,O,n hit X2 hit graph so you have put y = x2 into your equations window then graphed it you can change the graph around: to put graph up x amount, plug in a c value. ex: (x^2)+2. that will make the graph shift 2. if you want it the shift sideways. add the translation amount to every x. ex: 4x^2+3x+6 would be 4(x+2)^2+3(x+2)+6 to shift the parabola 2 to the side. a b value ( B(X) ) shifts the graph