3 over 7 is a fraction and is not equivalent to a whole number.
When dividing 8 by 3, the result is a decimal number, which is approximately 2.6667. To convert this decimal into a whole number, you have to round it to the nearest whole number. Since 2.6667 is closer to 3 than to 2, the whole number equivalent of 8 divided by 3 is 3.
No, 3/2 is not a whole number, it is an improper fraction.
There is no whole number. One over two = 1/2
3 over 7 is a fraction and is not equivalent to a whole number.
You know when a fraction is equivalent to a whole number when both the numerator and denominator is the same. For example 2/2 is equivalent to the number two.
5 over 2 is not a whole number. simplified it is 2 and one half or 2.5
It can't be a whole number but 5/2 is 2 and 1/2 as a mixed number
When dividing 8 by 3, the result is a decimal number, which is approximately 2.6667. To convert this decimal into a whole number, you have to round it to the nearest whole number. Since 2.6667 is closer to 3 than to 2, the whole number equivalent of 8 divided by 3 is 3.
1/2 can't become a whole number.
No, 3/2 is not a whole number, it is an improper fraction.
to make a whole number into a fraction all you have to do is make it whatever the whole number is over one ex: 2 is your whole number, to make it a fraction simply put it over one. when you say it, you can say 2 over 1, 2 firsts, or 2 divided by 1. 2 divided by one does equal 2, your starting whole number.
A rational number is one where a whole number is over another whole number. 3 and 2 are both whole numbers so 3/2 is a rational number.
There is no whole number. One over two = 1/2
2 and nine over twenty-five (the whole number two and the fraction nine twentyfifths)