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It is believed that decimals were introduced to the Egyptians in around 1300 ad. The system is based on ten because humans have ten fingers.

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Q: Who created the decimal system?
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What is the decimal system?

Well is said the Chinese created the decimal system,so im guessing they did? -------------------------- Have a look at wikipedia see link below

In what country did the decimal number system develop?

The decimal system developed in Arabic culture, from the Middle East. It was not created in one country specifically.

Who invented the decimal number system?

Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal system. It is a classification system used by libraries, and not what is meant in the question. The decimal number system is the number system that we all use on a daily basis; it was invented by a succession of Arab and Hindu mathematicians beginning about 1400 years ago.

A numeration system based on grouping by tens?

decimal system

Who created the Dewey system?

DDC is a library classification system invented in 1876.

Which classical civilization created the decimal system and numeral writing used in the world today?

It was a combination of civilisations. We use the Indo-Arabic system.

How was the decimal system in Egyptian number system?

The decimal system is the same anywhere. Dec means 10 so the decimal system is a system used on the base 10 system.

What were the major characteristics of the mauryan and gupta empires?

For the Gupta Empire, they created the concept of zero and the decimal system.

What blank is a decimal system of measurement?

The metric system is mostly a decimal system of measurement.

When was Decimal Computation created?

Decimal Computation was created in 1974.