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Q: Who developed a mechanical device in 17th century that could add subtracts multiply divide and find square roots?
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Who developed the first model prototype for computers?

Charles Babbage is considered the father of the computer. He created the first mechanical prototype in the early 19th century.

Mechanical calulating machines that were the true acestors of todays computers were invented by?

The first calculating machine that included the concepts of a modern computer (data storage, programming, I/O) was the Difference Engine, conceived by Charles Babbage in the mid-19th century. It was never fully constructed because the metallurgy of the time did not permit exact enough casting and machining for it to work accurately. A 20th-century effort to reproduce Babbage's work using modern metalworking techniques showed that his Engine was in fact practical. Many companies developed and sold functional mechanical calculators in the 19th century. However they did nothing but add, subtract, multiply and divide, and could not store data or programs. As technology developed in the mid-20th century these firms moved into computers, but their calculators were not truly "ancestors" in the sense that their functions did not evolve into computers. Instead these firms stopped building mechanical calculators and began building computers as a separate line of business.

Could the first mechanical calculator add subtract mulitply and divide?

No, the very first mechanical calculators could only add and subtract. The first mechanical calculators were invented in 1623 by Wilhelm Schickard, followed by the Pascaline, invented in 1645 by Blaise Pascal. However, calculators that could multiply and divide were in use by the 19th century.

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What era was the calculator invented?

The first modern-style electronic calculator was invented in the 1960s. The first counting device, an abacus, was invented in Egypt in about 2000 BCE. The mechanical calculator was developed in the 17th century.

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The novel that began with William Dean Howells in the nineteenth century and had been further developed in this century is Years of My Youth.

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Chinese developed gunpowder in the 9th century.Chinese also developed the compass between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD.

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14/fourteenth century 1390

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Yes, it was developed in the early 16th century.

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The Italian mathematician, Cardano, developed the basic concepts of probability in the 16th Century when he was studying games of chance. His ideas were further developed, in the next century by Pascal and Fermat.