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Q: Who encouraged using the decimal system?
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Related questions

Why did the Maya number system not last?

When the Spanish came with the decimal number system, they replaced the Maya number system throughout the region. So the people of that region stopped using the Maya system and started using the decimal system of the Spanish.

How do you locate books in the library?

using the dewy decimal system.

How does a binary system differ from a decimal numbering system?

Binary is base 2, using the digits 0 and 1. Decimal system is base 10 with 0-9.

Is Mexico using the inperal system?

No. They use the Decimal Metric System (meters, kilograms, litres).

the base ten number system is called?

The Base-10 number system is known as the decimal system and has 10 digits to show all numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 using place value and a decimal point to separate whole numbers from decimal fractions.

What is a number that is written using the base-ten place value system?

a decimal

When using the metric system conversions which require division can be made by moving the decimal to the?

When using the metric system, conversions that require division can be made by moving the decimal to the left. This is because the metric system is based on powers of 10, making it easy to convert between different units by moving the decimal point.

What is the reference location of legend in the Dewey decimal system?

The Dewey Decimal Classification is a system that libraries use to classify books. They are grouped in order of the type of books, using a numeric code. The reference location of legend in Dewey decimal classification system is 753

4 plus 16 equals 1000?

Not by using the conventional decimal system of mathematics

What is reference location of legend in Dewey decimal classification system?

The Dewey Decimal Classification is a system that libraries use to classify books. They are grouped in order of the type of books, using a numeric code. The reference location of legend in Dewey decimal classification system is 753

What is the reference location legend in Dewey decimal classification system?

The Dewey Decimal Classification is a system that libraries use to classify books. They are grouped in order of the type of books, using a numeric code. The reference location of legend in Dewey decimal classification system is 753

A numeration system based on grouping by tens?

decimal system