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20% 1/5 x 100=20

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Q: In a survey one in five people said they preferred a particular brand of cola What is this figure as a percentage?
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Around 40% of the people surveyed prefer bacon to sausage.

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The internationally agreed on figure for the percentage of homosexual is 10%. This is sometimes referred to as Kinsey's 10% figure. Recent studies by Billy et al proved that perhaps only 2-3% of people are homosexuals, a lower figure than what Kinsey proposed.

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No, there is not enough information.

Do you use mobile phone is an example of survey?

Yes, this can be considered a survey question. If you were trying to figure out what percentage of people use them.

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about 67% of people in America have or had a computer.Addendum: Of course that figure goes down sharply if we're talking world-wide.

Is preferred the same as preferred stocks?

Preferred stocks and preferred are exactly the same thing. Preferred is just an abbreviation that is used so that people in the know can use their jargon.

How many people preferred wclm?

you really shouldn't cheat but the answer is 24

What are preferred shareholders?

Preferred shareholders are the people who own a company's preferred stock. Corporations can issue several types of stock. If there are profits, the corporation the corporation may pay dividends. The company would pay the same amount to each share of stock. However, the company may have issued two types of stock, preferred and common. Preferred stock gets a percentage of the face value as a dividend say 5%. Common stock gets a percentage of the profits that are left. So if a person has a $100 share of preferred, and the company declares a dividend, the preferred shareholders are paid first. He gets his $ 5.00 first. He is a preferred shareholder. The rest of the dividend is divided among the common shareholders. So Preferred Shareholders get paid first. Their dividend will never go up. It will go down if the company does not pay its dividend.

What percentage of people in Antarctica speak English?

People who live and work temporarily on the Antarctic continent -- at research stations funded by their governments, speak the language of their country. In the interchange of scientific data, English and French are the preferred languages.