Age is relative to the current time. The general equations is:Today - B-day= current age:when it comes to years:2013-1995 = current age2013-1995= 18 years old.
If your birthday is from 1 January to 26 February (today) then you are 18. If your birthday is from 27 February to 31 December then you are still 17.
Oh, dude, if you were 18 years old, you'd be born 18 years ago. So, like, if we do some quick math, that means you'd be born in 2003. But hey, who's counting, right?
If you are 18 then you were born in 1992.
February 29 only happens ever four years (leap year). Yes, people are born on February 29.
Alexandria Parchman was born on this date February 18, 1995.
Alexandria Parchman was born on this date February 18, 1995.
Gabriele Agrio was born on February 18, 1995, in Naples, Campania, Italy.
18 years (on 24 March 2013).
Dr. Dre was born on February 18, 1965
World Championship Wrestling - 1985 1995-02-18 was released on: USA: 18 February 1995
Juice Newton was born on February 18, 1952
malese jow was born on February 18, 1991
John Travolta was born on February 18, 1954
Trapped in Paradise - 1994 was released on: USA: 21 November 1994 (Beverly Hills, California) (premiere) USA: 2 December 1994 Portugal: 6 January 1995 France: 18 January 1995 Germany: 19 January 1995 Sweden: 20 January 1995 Australia: 2 February 1995 Ireland: 3 February 1995 UK: 10 February 1995 South Korea: 18 February 1995 Argentina: 23 February 1995 Japan: 25 February 1995 Hungary: 10 August 1995 (video premiere)
Wild About Animals - 1995 2002-02-18 was released on: USA: 18 February 2002
Squawk Box - 1995 2013-02-18 was released on: USA: 18 February 2013