my nan The founder or father of math slope is Rene Descartes, he was the first person to bring about math slope.
You Need A Teacher's Account To Make One
She was the first person to write programs (for Charles Babbage's computers).
First of all Its "What is unkown math" and it is math that isunknown DDUUHH!!
you play the math games
First Math person!!
my nan The founder or father of math slope is Rene Descartes, he was the first person to bring about math slope.
No one person "discovered" maths. And it is still evolving.
Make games where they have to spend there lesson cracking a coad and reward the person who comes first a prize. This will give the lesson a fun and competitive edge that they will enjoy and they will all work to their highest ability to try and win the prize.
You Need A Teacher's Account To Make One
Ancient Sumerians dono when
There isn't a nobel prize in math. The closest thing is the Field's Medal. Noggin
first i would finish the know and show
the first person to make a dictionary was george lopes
The first person to make jeans was jack loneragan
The first person to make one