Euclid is the great mathematician of all...
he is the first mathematician to every live on this earth
Isac Newton
Teano , wife of Pythgorus is considered as the first lady mathematician in the world.
She is a very great Mathematician in India
Euclid is the great mathematician of all...
The first mathematician is Arya bhatt.
Aryabhata was India's first ''satellite, ''named after a ancient Indian ''mathematician ''''''
I think it could be Aristotle. He started empiricism and started classifying and identifying things into sets. Sets are one of the most fundamental concepts in Logic. Math is definitely very rooted to Logic. But you can also put it down as Aristotle being the very first Scientist, so
sir isakk Newton was the first mathematician to use letters and numbers
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton
The very first robot was invented by Ancient Greek mathematician Archytas of Tarentum. It was a flying wooden dove that flapped its wings.
the first mathmatician is the first to count he was caveman