why are fractions importanrt?
The answer is rather simple...
1) some people prefer using fractions over decimals.
2) fractions are easier to read.
and that's all I know
Hope this helps
One of the most important features of fractions is their level of exactness. What I mean is that a fraction such as 1/3 is an exact number. If you have 1/3 in decimal form you get a repeating number: .3333333 in which the threes are repeating and it is an inexact number and repeats until infinity.
it is important to learn how to add and subtract fractions because we can use it when a time comes , when we have our own business and others .
it is important for cloths and sales and to find out how much things cost and etcc...... sales, math,
It will help when you are trying to add and subtract fractions.
the most important thing is to change the denominators so u can make common denominators
the different types of fractions are:-proper fractionimproper fractionmixed fraction
Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.
Finding the GCF will help you to simplify fractions.
Fractions are used in recipe... For eg:1/4tsp sugar
it is important to learn how to add and subtract fractions because we can use it when a time comes , when we have our own business and others .
Answer: When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators it is important to change the denominators into the lowest common denominator by using equivalent fractions. Answer: Equivalent fractions are used to: * Simplify fractions. It is sort of inelegant to write the final solution of a problem as 123/246, when you can just as well write it as 1/2. * Add fractions. If two fractions have different denominators, you need to convert them to equivalent fractions that have the same denominator. Only then can you add. * Subtract fractions (same as addition). * Compare fractions, to check which one is larger (same as addition).
It helps to reduce fractions.
The are important and useful but I would not say that they are famous!
The GCF will help you to simplify fractions.
It is important because depending on the problem it is easier to use fractions or decimals. Sometimes the problem is asking for an exact answer, in which case you would keep it in fraction form.
I believe as a model, it is important to practice writing your fractions whether you are heidi klum or miranda kerr. xoxo gossip girl
yes because if there were no fractions there will be nothing.