Most of the units in the imperial system are based on numbers other than 10 (eg 1 foot = 12 inches). When converting a fraction (in simplest terms) to a decimal it will ONLY be a terminating decimal if the denominator has prime factors ONLY of 2 and/or 5.
eg 12 has prime factors: 12 = 22 x 3.
The 3 is enough to ensure that the decimal representation of twelfths (ie the decimal representation of inches as part of a foot) will normally be repeating decimals (unless the numerator also has a prime factor of 3, ie 3/12, 6/12, 9/12 which simplify to remove the factor 3 from the denominator) and these can only be written as an approximation.
Imperial units were devised when [electronic] calculators were a thing of the future and calculations were all done by hand, and were usually based on some physical measure. It may be surprising, but working with fractions can actually be much easier than working with decimals (especially when NOT using a calculator), along with giving more accurate results.
In the course I am currently doing, an example came up at my last tutorial: when calculating something, a fraction of 2/3 came up which was then divided into 1,500,000. By using an approximate decimal for the 2/3 of 0.6666 (or 0.6667) the result was inaccurate (~2,250,225 or ~2,249,888) compared to using the fraction itself; the result could be obtained from another route which gave the exact amount - the same as when using the fraction: 1,500,000 ÷ 2/3 = 1,500,000 x 3/2 = 2,250,000.
The decimal system is based on 10 and the powers of 10. The main disadvantage is that 10 is divisible by only 2 and 5. So commonly needed fractions, such as a third end up being infinite decimals.
The question is poorly stated: the point being uncertain as there is no such thing as "metric fractions". My best guess would be that the question is"How are fractions expressed in the metric system?".If so, here is the answer:The metric system is a decimal system. Therefore, all measurements, including fractional parts ("fractions") of its units, are always expressed as decimals.
The metric system.
The history of the Imperial system is incredibly long and very complicated. It has been around for centuries as seen by studying ancient civilizations.
United States
Different representation are better for different purposes.
The decimal system is based on 10 and the powers of 10. The main disadvantage is that 10 is divisible by only 2 and 5. So commonly needed fractions, such as a third end up being infinite decimals.
No, fractions cannot be changed into decimals using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are a numeral system used in ancient Rome, which does not have a way to represent fractions or decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are represented using a base-10 system with digits ranging from 0 to 9.
The question is poorly stated: the point being uncertain as there is no such thing as "metric fractions". My best guess would be that the question is"How are fractions expressed in the metric system?".If so, here is the answer:The metric system is a decimal system. Therefore, all measurements, including fractional parts ("fractions") of its units, are always expressed as decimals.
Generally speaking, when someone wants to know about conversions of fractions, it is to be assumed that this person wants to know about converting fractions to decimals. Our common number system is a base 10 system, so for the purposes of this answer we will assume base 10. And this is the interesting part: there is no difference between fractions and decimals (or, for the computer science oriented amongst us, floating point numbers). For example, if someone says the have 1/4th of an acre of land, that means they have 25% of one acre of land (in other words, .25 of one acre).
Well as a matter of fact Egyptian fractions can only be unit fractions with different denomitnators. They will never do 1/2+1/2=1 instead they would us the mehod /i explained.
They use a line stright down instead of going across.
Yes, the answer can be found in WikiAnswers Roman Numerals (Edit categories).
Roman numerals are very difficult to do mathematics with, and do not work at all in advanced mathematics as the roman numeral system has no concept of zero, negative numbers, fractions, powers, or decimals.
United States, Liberia and Myanmar (Burma) are the three countries that still use the imperial system. United Kingdom uses the imperial system for occasional things like weight, distance and beer sizes. Canada also uses some imperial system because of historical ties with UK, Canada used the Imperial System until the 1970s, opposition to the metric system, the proximity to US and the trade Canada does with the US.
It is important because metric system goes by the powers of 10, thus have a simple way to convert and take note of its decimals unlike imperial systems where some goes by 12 and so on, introducing more decimals and the level of accuracy is doubtful.
The base 10 system.